Field Mobility Solutions

Technology in the field at your finger tips


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The Business Challenge :

Auto Insurance companies are often faced with claims that must be processed quickly and efficiently. To streamline core claims processes from both a qualitative and quantitative standpoint and reduce claims cycle times by automating and increasing productivity of both field employees and office staff.

Some key points in the claims processing cycle are :
Scheduling and assignment of claims - dispatch the right claims adjuster with notification of the situation and Speed hand-offs to claim handlers---reduces cycle time.
Negotiate and settle - Settle based on up-to-date information from on demand access to back-end information. Claims adjusters in the field can now capture and send claims data.
Closing the file - Speed the time it takes to resolve claims and settlement and close the file, enabling improved underwriting and management reporting capabilities

The Solution :

Envision’s SmartMotorClaims™ Insurance solution provides a packaged and customizable solution to help manage both the data collection as well as the information presentation. Our Mobile Insurance claims solutions helps in

  • Increase claims adjuster productivity to reduce costs and cycle times.
  • Improve profitability by increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Reduce administrative costs by minimizing errors and streamlining claims processing.


Field Mobility Solutions, LLC

MAIN: 202-390-5559  FAX: 703-448-1702 EMAIL:


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