Field Mobility Solutions

Technology in the field at your finger tips


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The Business Challenge :
Table Service Challenges: Dining patrons are looking for an experience.They want better attention and prompt service where speed and convenience is everything. Additionally, there is competition from everywhere new categories and new concepts all the time. Profit growth is the top priority. Most owners of table service restaurants know a POS will help reduce costs and increase efficiencies, but that is not enough in today’s super competitive environment. Profitability comes from both efficiencies and RevPASH (revenue per available seat hour). This unit of measure is increased by “topline” growth as well. You need better tools todrive this kind of growth and help increase sales, service while reducing costs.

The Solution :

Envision encompasses the functionality necessary for F&B industry with solutions that to consistently exceed the customer’s expectations of quality of service.

  • Wifi handheld KOT solutions for improved customer service;
  • Mobile Printing / Touchscreen point of Sale solutions ;


Field Mobility Solutions, LLC

MAIN: 202-390-5559  FAX: 703-448-1702 EMAIL:


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